An emerging business by design/builder Andy Chappell-Dick

An emerging business by design/builder Andy Chappell-Dick

Friday, December 28, 2012

Interior Design will create our lifestyle

Here is a site called "Apartment Therapy" with some good ideas for exposed closets that caught my eye. Part of the challenge of designing a small house is to stick to our goal of having nothing that we do not find to be beautiful or know to be useful. With that philosophy, we shouldn't need to hide things away in cupboards and closets, but just have them readily available with as efficient use of space as possible. However, something I'm valuing more lately is ease of cleaning, and exposed clutter does not fit with that goal.
Our friend Susan Hunsberger has a business blog called Strategize Organize LLC, which is something I hope to follow more closely now that we're in to the nitty gritty of interior design, which really is our design for the way we want to live!